Sunday, December 14, 2008


I have created this blog to increase communication about the Living Environment classes I teach at Averill Park High School. I am new to blogging so things should change as I get to know what is available and as I get feedback from students and parents about what can best serve their needs.

I will be directing people here for the emails that I send out. I will post all the worksheets here, as well as on my living environment website: . I will post copies of all labs that I generate or can easily digitize. I will post audio files of the class materials, depending on many variables there may only be a limited amount available, but I will always make sure to have the previous two weeks available. If I come across pictures or video that add to the class I will post them.

This blog should make it easier for students to look back through the year to find materials or references to things from the past, where the email was difficult to go back.

I am also currently allowing posts to this blog. This means that people can post to the blog and it will be included. This is meant to enhance the educational experience of the students in my classes. Blog entries may be removed it they are not deemed constructive. As long as it is not abused the open posting will be allowed. Comments that would be most helpful might include a way a student remembers a particular fact, a new way of organizing materials or a link to something related in the news. Since this can add to any student in the class, blog entries will also be includen in class participation grades. However, since this is new technology and all students may not have access this can only raise a grade and will not ever be held against a student.


Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.