Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Endocrine Webquest

This project has two parts. First you will have to familiarize yourselves with the endocrine system. You will do this by answering the question in the first part of this webquest. You will have to create a document that you answer the questions and submit via email to aphsbio at To do this copy the questions and insert them into a Word document. Then insert your answers and submit. Please format the email subject line (title must include EndocrineWQ) and your document title correctly, as explained in the handout. If you work with a partner be sure to include their name and send them a copy of the email that you submit to me by inserting their name in the cc line.

For information to answer the following questions go here.
Do not just cut and paste. You must answer in your own words in full sentences.

1. What is the name of the chemical messengers that the body uses in the endocrine system?

2. What is the difference between endocrine and exocrine glands? Give an example of each.

3. What are three organs that produce hormones that are not considered major endocrine glands?

4. Which part of the endocrine system is called the “master gland” and where is it located?

5. Why is this called the “master gland”?

6. How does the Pituitary Gland coordinate control of the other glands?

7. Describe the locations of Thyroid and Parathyroid glands.

8. How do the thyroid glands effect metabolism?

9. Where are the Adrenal Glands? Describe the way different parts work.

10. What are the male and female gonads? What hormones do each produce?

11. What hormones does the pancreas produce?

12. How do hormones get their messages to cells? Be sure to include the role of the hormone, cells that receive the message, transport of the hormones and body regulation.

13. Name and describe any two endocrine disorders. Include treatment of these diseases.

For information to answer the above questions go here.

For the second part you have a choice of one of the two following projects. Either of these will be submitted on paper.

1. You must write a persuasive, first-person letter to the Human Resources Department of the company (i.e. your classmates) requesting a raise from the Board of Directors. You will present your case to the Board.

In your letter you must provide answers to the following questions:
What is your name? (i.e. the name of the endocrine gland) What do you look like? Where are you found within the Human Body? What are five interesting facts about you, as a body organ?
What is your job?
What other organs are involved in the performance of your job?
Why are you an important employee of the Human Body Corporation?
What would happen to the Human Body Corporation if you were 'fired'? Try to be as specific as possible. (Some things to consider -- What systems would shut down? Would the body develop a disease? If yes, how would this disease affect how the body functions?)

2. Draw image of the human body. Then draw and name endocrine glands you looked at in the webquest, in the image in their proper anatomical places. Label the hormone synthesized by each gland. In a chart on the back of the paper draw a chart to show the endocrine gland and the body organ or tissue that is effected by each hormone. Include the effect of not enough or too much of each hormone and ways both of these conditions are treated.

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